
A Good Week

I'm gonna get to posting updates about Oaxaca...there is quite a bit to say. Although, really, not much apparently, if you only read mainstream media. But, before that, I'm going to reflect on my week. It's been a good one. Because I'm lazy, and wanted to avoid drawing this out, I'm going to make a list.

Besides being an ally to laziness, this guy says lists are good porque:

#1 Lists keep posts succinct - there is something about a list that keeps you from rambling

#2 Lists look ‘neat’ - I don’t know about you but when I surf onto a site that is full of messily formatted text - I don’t tend to stick around long. Lists on the other hand can be quite visually pleasing

So...keeping that in mind, here's my list of why this was a good week:

* Full-time classes and full-time work are no longer battling to steal my sleep.
* My latino youth development program has received enthusiastic reviews.
* Oaxaca has seen peace and calm for 2 weeks.
* I've made several new friends who are smart and funny
* The end to my best friend's painful divorce is looking closer and closer

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