

It's so difficult to be sitting here in safety in PDX, putting off homework and doing other mundane things, while people in Oaxaca are running for their lives from bullets and teargas. I've been emailing friends to wish them safety...though I know it will likely be days before they will get the emails. Most of my Oaxaqueno friends rely on internet cafes, which, as things are going, will be inaccessible for days, I imagine. The hotel I stayed at during my visit two weeks ago is 1 1/2 blocks from Parque Llano....where the current showdown is occurring. I read that the PFP stormed ADO, the bus station, only 3 blocks away. For sure, the tear gas has infiltrated their courtyard. Ugh. Why is this what our world, what so-called "leaders", define as "resolution?" Force, weapons, death?!

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