

NOWPUBLIC is an independent, open contribution news site online. I had received a request from a contributor on NOWPUBLIC, thru my Flickr account, to use one of my recent pics from Oaxaca in his story. I followed the link and checked out the story and which pic he wanted to use. When I saw the headline of the draft, "Peace Caravan into Oaxaca...", or something like that, I assumed he wanted to use one of my pictures of the PFP or the barricades. I was surprised to see it was a pic of a dia de los muertos display, but said, sure, you can use it. I figured there was probably a mention of the festivities in the article somewhere. Well, now the full article is up online, and sure enough, my pic is one of 20 or so attached. I'm a little concerned, though. I'm starting to get the impression the writer thought the pictures on the altar were commemorating men who have died during the conflict. And, well, that's a problem....because, well, that pic was taken in the lobby of Pizza Rustica! I'm pretty sure the men in the pics on the altar are relatives of the pizza parlor's owner! Crap! I am way too busy right now to have to contact this guy and clarify...but, in the spirit of accuracy, I'm adding another task to today's to-do list! ;)

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