
Hoy en Oaxaca

Today Obrador declared himself alternative president. I think more people turned out at the zocalo in D.F. than expected. I'm not sure. The media has had less and less to say about him lately. Curious where all this will go. On Dec. 1, Calderon will be declared el presidente, tambien. I guess my question is...how will this affect Oaxaca? Will Calderon treat Oaxaca differently than Fox? On Dec. 1, Ruiz will have completed dos anos as el gobierno de Oaxaca. I read somewhere that after two years, he gets to appoint successor. But that Oaxaca's law for this was three years. I can't remember. I read this while in Oaxaca and I may have it backwards. Anyway, there's something significant about that date for Ruiz, as well. I'll have to look into it. I'm surprised to see little news about events in Oaxaca today....being that it was the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. Not until I talked to Hector today did I learn anything about today's events....Hoy, la policia y los protestantes habieron conflicto al planton de Santo Domingo y el zocalo. Hector wrote: the tear gas still hangs in the air thirty minutes later. *sigh* for how long will the response from the government be violence and teargas? for how long will the people of Oaxaca suffer before any change is made, before any actions are taken to resolve this? People of APPO want change, people of Oaxaca/not part of APPO, want change. The governor wants to be governor, regardless. I agree with the Bishop, who said today, this is a government here of idolatry. Or something along those lines that I took to meant that Ruiz was serving himself, not the people. Despite the desires of the people, he will forge on. While my loved one suffers. While my friends suffer. While the whole people of Oaxaca suffer. A la Chingada! anyway, por Hector: me te amo mucho! Espero por paz en Oaxaca! Pronto!

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